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  • Vrinda Ranga

2020, the year of firsts

This year was a series of firsts.

The first being trapped inside our own houses, of running helter-skelter for basic medical supplies. A first of working from home and still feeling burdened. A first of a health-scare and mental breakdowns and more breakdowns thereafter. A first of acknowledging repressed fears and live emotions. A first of not being able to get out of bed and moving places faster than we ever thought. A first of counselling elders and constantly counselling oneself. A first of losing so many people, so much energy and giving up on things held closest to our hearts.

It was the first of no hugs to heal and longer conversations through technology. A first when we all came together, for best and the worst of situations.

Yet, now as we reflect on it, everything that 2020 was, it taught so much.

Things the world forgot, things we'd brushed under the carpet.

It scraped the skin off all the wounds that we hid under funky band-aids of 'im busy', 'got too much on my plate', 'Oh my life's insta worthy' and so many more that we didn't even know we were using as band-aids.

It taught us to wake up and not makeup but to sit in the sun and soak our soul in the warmth that existed around us.

It woke us up in the middle of the night asking stirring questions, leaving us with tired eyes and worried minds. 2020 gave us time to answer those questions....slowly, but surely.

This year, brought alive, dead sayings and forgotten poems and scratched on our f*****g brains, 'my health is more important!', 'I am important'!

It taught us we aren't the gods we think ourselves to be, but mere puppets at the hands of the one with mercy.

It tightened our bolts and made us see, there's nothing one can really do, but be.

Be bold and brave but give in when the heart tells you, be kind, be empathetic, for that's all the world needs.

That's all that we really need, to be happy, to be truly alive. For love and kindness is all we can give.

2020 taught us, the real meaning of love and learning, of grief and healing, of moving and waiting, of really stopping, to think and to feel.

This year made us brave.



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