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The Story

Welcome! Every website has a story, and if you are here it means you want to hear ours. Here it is:

Some years ago, inspired by another sister run initiative, Vrinda had come to me and said, “let’s do something together”. V and I have always made a great team and have more things in common than we can count on our fingertips. One of them is our love for words; all through our heartaches, joys, big days and small, words have acted as our friends, our superpower. So we knew a blog would be great. At the time I had just started working, still finding my footing, and V was still studying. Though thrilled and intrigued with the idea of a collaborative project, we still couldn’t put pen to paper. Cut to 2020, the world is at a standstill, and we're all fighting multiple battles, some shared and some custom made. Doing what I always did, I was looking for comfort (and finding it) in written words. That is when I remembered the long-forgotten idea. Patiently waiting for us to put it to action, a potent seed.

One deep sigh and a 'let's do it' later, The Write Sisters was born. Read our first post here.


We truly believe that we're all made up of stories and The Write Sisters has a simple goal: sharing experiences and stories that make us who we are.

We hope that our blog will bring joy and comfort to our readers, and that it will be a place where our readers can find solace in each other’s stories. Everything about this blog is self-made, from the website to the content. Our contributors are our friends, and the stories we write are from the heart. Relatable. Open. Honest.


Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out and share your thoughts with us. We’d love to hear from you! 


My name is Sakhi, I'm the owner-creator of this blog and the person responsible for the day-to-day operations and writing. I’m responsible for most of content on the blog; I’ve loved writing since I was little, and I love having the creative control.
Write Sisters for me is like a life raft. I needed to hang on to something good, needed a reminder that all is not lost so I created the reminder myself. All that you see on the website, I designed and edited everything myself. I have spent hours learning, figuring things out, testing and tweaking, reading and then reading some more. And I'm so proud of what I've created. It’s not perfect and I’m still figuring things out, fixing kinks here and there. I'll keep looking for ways to make the blog better and more interesting. Meanwhile, be gentle with it, please? 

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Meet V!

Vrinda is the one who had planted the idea in my head years ago. And she is the one who I turn to, to give me the final go on what goes on the website and when. This multi-talented individual is a writer, reviewer, best friend and sister all rolled into one. Besides providing valuable insight and feedback, she helps create the best content possible, and makes sure that content is seen and heard by people.
V is passionate about the topics we write about, is responsible for handling the social media and promotion of the blog, coming up with new ideas, especially on parenting and life at work, and needless to say, she loves to write! Read some of her pieces; simple, on everyday things in life but super-relatable and heartwarming.

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The Collective

The Write Sisters has come to be a blog that celebrates the power of collaboration and friendship; a place where friends come together to share ideas, stories, and experiences, and everything is shared with pride and utmost respect. My wonderfully talented friends and family make "The WriteSistersCollective". They are not writers with formal writing qualifications, none of us are really. Just a bunch of talented individuals, all artists at heart and lovely humans, who agreed to come together to craft stories and captivating content that bring life to this blog. 

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