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  • Medha Ranga

On International Dog Day

Our fellow sister and dog parent Medha Ranga says her one true love had four furry paws and a heart of gold. And we believe her. On International Dog Day, she shared with us some of the many life lessons she learnt from her dog. Here's her dog Pepper’s philosophy of love and happiness, through Medha's words:


Things My Dog Pepper Taught Me:

1. A wait or delay might mean magic:

I love being in nature and get pleasantly surprised with the beauties around us. And I have had my share of pleasant beautiful surprises because of my lovely Pepper. I do not know how she knew, but on many occasions when Pepper wanted to stay out and I gave in to her will, it would so happen that I'd see or experience something I never had before and the sight would be ineffably beautiful! To share a few, I saw a blue kingfisher, a group of geese flying in the V shape, pretty white colored birds flying in shape of a heart, luminous in the pitch black night sky, a pink super-moon and skies full of stars and colors, different each time.

That's how I learned that sometimes you are where you're supposed to be, and that in waiting, there's some magic that's unfolding; all you have to do is wait a little and look around for the miracles and aha moments!

2. Greet People with Love:

The highlight of my day used to be when I got home after the day’s work and found Pepper at the door - with her wagging tail, tippy-tappy toes and a BIG smile! If at all someday she wasn’t there, I’d whistle and call her at the door, it was her smile and affection that made coming home even more delightful!

Now that I don’t see the wagging tail everyday, I have come to realize how much that meant. If one is greeted with such warmth and happiness, half the day’s stress can melt away in an instant. It’s like going back to your own world of giggles and laughter after you’ve been in the world outside. So now whenever possible, I make it a point that I give out warm welcomes packed with big hugs and my best smile! Whether it’s virtually or I’m actually unlocking that door!

3. Everyone deserves a chance:

I know not all people are “dog-people” but Pepper was born to win hearts! Never a barker, she would accept dog lovers and scared-to-death individuals, equally. Almost everyone (dog people or otherwise), on meeting her, ended up saying, “We have NEVER seen a dog like this, so friendly and welcoming! If we ever get a pet, we’d like them to be like her!” It was this calm acceptance by her that made me realize something about myself. I was someone who looked for my kind everywhere I went, because it was comfortable. I didn’t quite realize that I was keeping myself away from the magic of being with people. Her ease with all kinds of living beings made me think I need to learn it too; accepting and respecting the differences. Pepper made everyone fall in love with her and age was no bar. Through her calm I found the understanding of being together and enjoying with everyone, even the ones who were different.

4. Love big and love kind:

We have seen and heard that dogs are the epitome of unconditional love. They are there, always and in all ways. Pepper was no different. On my worst days, she always found me, knew how I felt; even when sometimes I scolded her, she stayed and waited till she saw me smiling again. She taught me it's not about kisses, romantic songs or fancy dates. It's about being with people when they need you. Even when they say they don't; even when they don't feel like it, you stick around them and be there, allowing them to be themselves. It's about accepting others (and oneself) the way they are, seeing the best in them always!

My mother used to say if you're having trouble learning something, you write it again and again and then it'll stay. I think in a similar way, when one appreciates the good, the great and the best in you, repeatedly, that's what you become, good, great and the best version of yourself! She did that with me, made me the best of what I am today!

To ever express how Pepper truly loved, is far beyond me. All I know now that a love like hers is truly powerful and makes life more beautiful and amazing! To all the furry paws in our lives!

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