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  • Sakhi Semant Harish

Dear 2020

You have been horrible and we need to talk!

Half a year has gone by and we still do not know our way around the ‘new normal’. There are so many things that this year has thrown at us and it feels like the ultimate test that any of us has had to sit for.

What do we do now? What do we have to say that hasn’t been said already? Why try?

Because we saw that there was so much focus on everything that was and is going wrong with the world and every one around us, that it was like claiming to understand the situation by listing out the weaknesses and all things wrong with it.

Because we realised that when we asked “what is wrong with the world?”, we had plenty of answers. We also realised what made us feel better were the answers to the question “What is right with world?”.

2020 hasn’t been kind; but it has shown us what a resilient specie humankind is! We know that we’re all damaged but we are also strong. We turned into singers, cooks, dancers, creators .. . and that’s where we drew our joys from – from building strength and sharing it.

We have been wanting to share our thoughts since a very long time. There are so many times we almost did it and then not. Self reflection while publishing this post made us see that we too finally decided to take the plunge courtesy such a dramatic year. We’ve decided to share, talk, engage in conversations. Not all our shared experiences are going to be of this year or about this year only. But we acknowledge you, 2020. And that is how we want to practice what we preach; by exploring strengths with weaknesses.

Let us talk about the things in life that make it worthwhile. 🙂


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